It's kind of shocking to see I haven't blogged since last February-- but that's a measure of the energy in this parish!
Let me catch you up: The Lent/Easter season was marked by our usual round of worship colored by our customary rich sights and sounds, and all that was followed immediately by the fun of our patronal feast on St Mark's Day, April 25, featuring wonderful potluck and an array of witty skits orchestrated by Pastor Dar. From there it was on to Organ Dedication weekend in early June, a major music undertaking involving lots of performers. And then all summer, Dar and I alternated in preaching on some of our favorite Biblical passages. When Pastor Dar came on board last September, it was for a half-time assignment that would come to an end this December. Surprise! She completed her internship requirements in 10 months instead of 14. So much for "part time ministry!"
Darlyne Rath greeted us as a student, and has left us as a Pastor, a real colleague to me and to the rest of us as we minister at St Mark's. Two Sundays ago, we gave hearty and loving thanks to her, and clearly, I especially will miss her irresistible joy, wisdom, enthusiasm and energy. Inviting an intern pastor has been a leap of faith for little St Mark's; after our experience with Dar, we eagerly await our next.
That may be a while, however-- right now, there are very few seminarians who feel called to parish ministry, let alone rural and small town ministry. Something to pray over, don't you think?