Last Sunday, Chesley Ministerial and Rhody Family Funeral Home of Chesley jointly hosted what was first nick-named the "Blue Christmas" service, and now is becoming known as "LightShine."
After a plateau period a few years ago, the service is growing again, this year attracting 120 women, men and children, all honouring someone who has died. LightShine recognises that Christmas time can be emotionally wrenching for those who can't help but notice the empty places at their tables; as the dark of evening spreads over Chesley, LightShine is meant to be a service of hope. We sing, we embrace, we remember, we reflect, we grieve, we pray, we light candles, we anoint, we celebrate, all in the context of Emmanuel, God-with-Us.
Each year, fewer and fewer LightShine attendees seem to be regular churchgoers.
All the more reason for Rhody's and the Ministerial to offer Lightshine every year. For once again we enter the Gracious Time. Soon it will be Christmas, and we who keep alive the flame of Jesus, Son of God, proclaim to a hurting, hungering world: "He came down that we might have love, joy, hope, peace." "Glory to God in the highest, and peace, goodwill to men." "If ye would hear the angels sing, Christians, see ye let each door stand wider than it e'er stood before on Christmas day in the morning."
Oh, how I'm looking forward to the celebrations at St Mark's! Emmanuel, God-with-Us! The Gracious Time! And all well, and all well, and all manner of thing well!
After a plateau period a few years ago, the service is growing again, this year attracting 120 women, men and children, all honouring someone who has died. LightShine recognises that Christmas time can be emotionally wrenching for those who can't help but notice the empty places at their tables; as the dark of evening spreads over Chesley, LightShine is meant to be a service of hope. We sing, we embrace, we remember, we reflect, we grieve, we pray, we light candles, we anoint, we celebrate, all in the context of Emmanuel, God-with-Us.
Each year, fewer and fewer LightShine attendees seem to be regular churchgoers.
All the more reason for Rhody's and the Ministerial to offer Lightshine every year. For once again we enter the Gracious Time. Soon it will be Christmas, and we who keep alive the flame of Jesus, Son of God, proclaim to a hurting, hungering world: "He came down that we might have love, joy, hope, peace." "Glory to God in the highest, and peace, goodwill to men." "If ye would hear the angels sing, Christians, see ye let each door stand wider than it e'er stood before on Christmas day in the morning."
Oh, how I'm looking forward to the celebrations at St Mark's! Emmanuel, God-with-Us! The Gracious Time! And all well, and all well, and all manner of thing well!